Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Left for Dead 2 and Vinyl Elephant

Today was a good day. Went to Kaz's (the bassist) house and got some band practice in. Karch took his first whack at drums. Thein is still nasty on guitar and can play to anything me and kaz think up. and i am still pretty much useless, with my 30 some songs and they are just lyrics with no music. Being the singer is a pretty unstressful part of the band. so far...

We had enough of getting no where musically for the day so we played Left 4 Dead 2. Im in love. i dont play many video games, due to my motion sickness when i play them, but i played for at least 4 hours. i don't know why but i am obsessed with zombies. i still need to get some kick ass zombie disigns for my tats... i have got some good ideas from people, but would really like some drawings... :)

Peace out,


p.s. I still don't know why i blog, when no one reads this.

its therapy :)

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